sthag 268202f33d feat: restructure screens, new todos
- Move files and folders
- Rename pages
- New todos
2024-08-06 21:15:39 +02:00

2.3 KiB


  • Remove gulp and legacy files
  • Update README
  • Explain eleventy usage
  • Better README with more info for the content section
  • Complete CHANGELOG
  • Automatic versioning for package.json and CHANGELOG
  • Add dynamic content to robots.txt during build process
  • Add dynamic content to sitemap.xml
  • Add build process for normalize.css from github.com/necolas/normalize.css
  • Add build process for bourbon from https://github.com/thoughtbot/bourbon


  • Complete Intro with description for all basic elements, according to HTML Standard - The elements of HTML
    • Sections
      • body
      • article
      • section
      • nav
      • aside
      • h1-h6
      • hgroup
      • header
      • footer
      • address (put to grouping content)
    • Grouping content
      • p
      • hr
      • pre
      • blockquote
      • ol
      • ul
      • menu (new)
      • li
      • dl
      • dt
      • dd
      • figure
      • figcaption
      • main
      • search (new)
      • div
    • Text-level semantics
      • a
      • em
      • strong
      • small
      • s
      • cite
      • q
      • dfn
      • abbr
      • ruby
      • rb (deprecated)
      • rt
      • rtc (deprecated)
      • rp
      • data
      • time
      • code
      • var
      • samp
      • kbd
      • sub
      • sup
      • i
      • b
      • u
      • mark
      • bdi
      • bdo
      • span
      • br (mentioned in grouping content)
      • wbr
    • Edits
      • ins
      • del
    • Embedded content
      • picture
      • source
      • img
      • iframe
      • embed
      • object
      • param (deprecated)
      • video
      • audio
      • track
      • map
      • area
    • Tabular data
      • table
      • caption
      • colgroup
      • col
      • tbody
      • thead
      • tfoot
      • tr
      • td
      • th
    • Forms
      • form
      • label
      • input
      • button
      • select
      • datalist
      • optgroup
      • option
      • textarea
      • output
      • progress
      • meter (new)
      • fieldset
      • legend
    • Interactive elements
      • details
      • summary
      • dialog
    • Scripting
      • script
      • noscript
      • template
      • slot
      • canvas
  • Check style for every basic element
  • Uniform spelling of classes and identifiers